DEFRA have recently added six new standards to the Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) which are available to apply for in 2023. This is likely to make the scheme more attractive to farmers, with payments available for a number of new actions that previously were not eligible for funding. Examples of this new funding include producing a pest management plan or establishing companion crops.
Existing SFI agreement holders can add these standards to their agreements alongside adding land parcels. Some of the actions are rotational so that farmers can incorporate them into their farm system and annual rotation. The new standards are:
· the hedgerows standard
· the integrated pest management standard
· the nutrient management standard
· the arable and horticultural land standard
· the improved grassland standard
· the low input grassland standard
The tables below give more information about each of the new standards, with the actions within each standard and the payment rates available:
Hedgerows Standard
Action |
Payment Rate |
New Action or Variation of CS Option |
Assess and record Condition |
£3 per 100 metres (one side) |
New |
Manage so there’s a range of different heights |
£10 per 100 metres (one side) |
BE3 variation |
Maintain existing or establish new hedgerow trees so there are at least 1 tree per 100 metres on average |
£10 per 100 metres (both sides) |
New |
Integrated Pest Management Standard
Action |
Payment Rate |
New Action or Variation of CS Option |
Complete an integrated pest management (IPM) assessment and produce an IPM plan |
£989 per year |
New |
Establish and maintain flower-rich grass margins, blocks or in-field strips |
£673 per hectare |
AB8 variation |
Establish a companion crop |
£55 per hectare |
New |
No use of insecticide |
£45 per hectare |
New |
Nutrient Management Standard
Action |
Payment Rate |
New Action or Variation of CS Option |
Complete a nutrient management (NM) assessment and produce an NM review report |
£589 per year |
New |
Establish and maintain legumes |
£102 per hectare |
GS4 variation |
Establish and maintain legume fallow |
£593 per hectare |
AB15 variation |
Arable and Horticultural Land Standard
Action |
Payment Rate |
New Action or Variation of CS Option |
Establish and maintain blocks or strips of pollen and nectar flower mix |
£614 per hectare |
AB1 variation |
Establish and maintain blocks or strips of winter bird food |
£732 per hectare |
AB9 variation |
Establish and maintain grassy field corners and blocks |
£590 per hectare |
New |
Establish and maintain a 4m-12m buffer strip on arable and horticultural land |
£451 per hectare |
SW1 variation |
Improved Grassland Standard
Action |
Payment Rate |
New Action or Variation of CS Option |
Take grassland field corners and blocks out of management |
£333 per hectare |
GS1 variation |
Maintain improved grassland to provide winter bird food |
£474 per hectare |
GS3 variation |
Establish and maintain a 4m-12m buffer strip on grassland |
£235 per hectare |
SW2 variation |
Low Input Grassland Standard
Action |
Payment Rate |
New Action or Variation of CS Option |
Manage grassland with very low nutrient inputs (outside SDAs) |
£151 per hectare (indicative) |
GS2 variation |
Manage grassland with very low nutrient inputs (SDAs) |
£98 per hectare |
GS5 variation |
For further information, please contact a member of our Rural team on 0333 920 2220.