George F. White are delighted to present this self-build opportunity for a detached residential dwelling situated in an elevated position above Whiteadder Water.
Outline planning permission was granted by Scottish Borders Council on the 25th February 2022, with all matters reserved except for access. Full plans can be seen on the Scottish Borders Council website with reference number 09/00191/FUL.
Mains Electricity on site. Purchasers are recommended to seek independent advice as to the availability, suitability of existing and cost of connection of services to meet their requirements.
The current access to the site is via a gate of the public road/ As part of the development anew entrance will be created on to provide a shared driveway for the two dwellings.
Tenure & Possession
The site is offered for sale as freehold. The on site barn has current annual tenancy until September 2023 with rental income of £100 per week, and is used for storage. However can be retained as a garage workshop with plans in to change the external materials to Larch cladding and a slate roof
EPC Rating
An EPC survey will need to be conducted on the dwelling once the development has been completed. It is assumed the dwellings will meet an EPC rating of E or higher.
Local Authority
Scottish Borders Council
Local Authority Information
Buyers are required to pay is also a small contribution to the Council on completion of the build in connection with the Educational needs of the area, in the region of £4,000.
Viewings are strictly by prior appointment with George F. White.
Method of Sale
The property is for sale by private treaty. Interested parties are encouraged to register their interest via the agent in order that they can be kept informed as to how the sale will be concluded.
Agents Note
There is a second reisdential plot next to this plot, which has been sold and has planning permission for private dwelling.
GFW are delighted to present this self-build opportunity for a detached residential dwelling situated in an elevated position above Whiteadder Water with fantastic views. The site holds outline planning permission for a dwelling.
PLOT SIZE: Approx 0.76 Acres
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