The Land
The land comprises in total 38.75 acres (15.69 hectares) of productive grassland suitable to grazing cattle, sheep or horses and taking a cut of grass. The land is in a ring fence and split into four fields, which all have a mature hedge lines and stock proof fencing. The extent of the land is detailed on the sale plan enclosed within these particulars.
Overage Position
The land is sold subject to an overage provision whereby the Vendors are entitled to 50% of the uplift in value of the land for a period of 25 years if planning permission is granted for any use or development other than agriculture, forestry or equestrian.
Basic Payment Scheme
The Vendor has claimed the Basic Payment Scheme for the 2023 scheme year. The Purchaser will be required to sign as indemnification that they will maintain the land in good agricultural and environmental condition and follow the rules of Basic Payment Scheme and Cross Compliance Regulations. Further to this indemnification, the Vendor will hold the Purchaser (s) liable should the Vendor be penalised for any breach of Cross Compliance.
Tenure & Possession
It is understood that the property is freehold and sold with vacant possession.
Local Authority
Darlington Borough Council.
The land has the benefit of mains water, however does not have any troughs within the fields. Upon completion of the sale, the purchasers will be responsible for installing Water Meters on the Vendors retained land and another on the existing water apparatus. The purchaser will then recharge the cost of the water used to the owner of the adjoining land which is serviced by the Moor House Farm main.
The land does not have an electricity supply. Mobile signal and coverage is available.
The land is bounded by a mixture of mature hedges and trees and post and wiring fencing. The buyer will be responsible for the maintenance of all existing boundaries.
Wayleaves, Easements & Rights of Way
The property is sold subject and with the benefit of all rights of way, water, drainage, water courses and other easements, quasi easements and right of adjoining owners, if any, and proposed wayleaves or other matters registered by any competent authority subject to statute.
A right of way is granted over the area hatched black. The buyer will have a shared responsibility to maintain this access.
Flood Risk
The land is rated at a very low risk from river and sea flooding, and a low risk from surface water.
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Viewings are strictly by prior appointment with George F. White.
Important Notice
Every care has been taken with the preparation of these particulars, but they are for general guidance only and complete accuracy cannot be guaranteed. If there is any point, which is of particular importance professional verification should be sought. All dimensions/boundaries are approximate. The mention of fixtures, fittings &/or appliances does not imply they are in full efficient working order. Photographs are provided for general information and you may not republish, retransmit, redistribute or otherwise make the material available to any party or make the same available on any website. These particulars do not constitute a contract or part of a contract
38.75 acres (15.69 Hectares) of productive grassland currently used for grazing sheep and taking a crop of hay / haylage. Situated in a ring fence with mature hedge line and fence boundaries.
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