The site is accessed via Front street which is an adopted highway. More information and plans can be found in the data room.
The Site has outline planning permission for the construction of 3 no. detached residential dwellings including landscaping, layout and access under DM/23/00249/OUT granted on 15th November 2023.
There is a s106 requirement to pay the sum of £2,269,83 as Heritage Coast Contribution to the Council. This is to be paid prior to occupation of any of the three dwellings. There is no affordable housing requirements.
Reserved matters application would need to be submitted within three years of the outline decision notice. Further information can be found within the dataroom.
An intrusive ground investigation has been undertaken and can be found within the dataroom. Two bore hole samples were taken and found clay from 0.2 and 0.3m in depth. For full details of these findings please refer to the report.
EPC surveys will be required once the development has completed.
The Site is offered freehold with vacant possession upon completion.
Durham County Council
DATA ROOM Access to an electronic data room, containing information on technical reports and planning information is available on request by using the link in the further information section.
The location of the Site can be found using the following three words in What 3 Words or following the link
Each party to bear their own legal costs incurred in the transaction unless otherwise agree
In accordance with anti-money laundering regulations, two forms of identification and confirmation of the source of funding will be required from the successful bidder. VAT All figures are exclusive of VAT where chargeable.
The property is for sale via private treaty. Interested parties are encouraged to register their interest via the agent in order that they can be kept informed as to how the sale will be concluded. The seller and selling agent reserve the right to conclude the sale via informal tender dependent on interest.
Viewings are strictly by prior appointment.
Every care has been taken with the preparation of these particulars, but they are for general guidance only and complete accuracy cannot be guaranteed. If there is any point, which is of particular importance professional verification should be sought. All dimensions/boundaries are approximate. The mention of fixtures, fittings &/or appliances does not imply they are in full efficient working order. Photographs are provided for general information and you may not republish, retransmit, redistribute or otherwise make the material available to any party or make the same available on any website. These particulars do not constitute a contract or part of a contract. Date of issue: January 2024
Development opportunity for the construction of 3no. detached houses located within Hutton Henr
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