Significant planning reforms aim to get Britain building again - Blog

Significant planning reforms aim to get Britain building again

Significant planning reforms aim to get Britain building again

Development GFW 11th December 2024

Consultation on the proposed changes to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) ended on 24th September. The proposed planning reforms and term ‘grey belt’ have been a hot topic amongst consultants and developers over the past couple of months, with recent statements making headlines reflecting the Labour Party’s promise to ‘get Britain building again’. The NPPF changes are seeking to tackle the historic under supply of development across the country aiming to deliver 1.5 million new homes in the next five years.

Key proposals are:

Grey Belt – a term which has been circulating since the election has now been defined as ‘land in the green belt comprising previously developed land and any other parcels of land that make a limited contribution to the five green belt purposes, but excluding those areas or assets of particular importance’. A key consideration will be the sustainability of such sites, however residential development on grey belt sites should provide at least 50% of affordable housing and improvements too, or new and accessible green spaces. Whilst the intention is to ensure a boost in housing delivery this requirement could prove extremely challenging for a large number of sites.

Housing Targets – a revised standard method for assessing housing need is proposed with increased targets which would be mandatory. Notably, the North East target increases from 6,123 to 12,202 new homes per year. This additional target could assist in unlocking a number of sites including strategic development sites.

Green Belt Reviews – will become mandatory if new commercial or housing requirements cannot be met. A sequential approach is proposed prioritising previously developed land in sustainable locations, before Grey Belt land, and lastly other sustainable locations.

Boost Commercial Developments – there are no dramatic changes regarding economic growth, although the revisions propose to provide support to development proposals such as laboratories, gigafactories, digital infrastructure, freight and logistics to meet the needs of a modern and changing economy.

Supporting Green Energy – Amendments will also support renewable energy schemes increasing the likelihood of obtaining planning permission including wind and solar. There is also a stronger expectation that plans will proactively identify sites for renewable and low carbon development.

It is essential that all aspects of your land is assessed to maximise its potential in terms of development and make the most of the current opportunities available.

GFW are offering a FREE initial assessment for Green Belt and other land with development potential – for more details call Hannah Wafer on 07808 773162.



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