Top tips for letting out a property in summer - Blog

Top tips for letting out a property in summer

Top tips for letting out a property in summer

Residential GFW 26th July 2021

Get gardening!

Keeping a garden clean and tidy with a mowed lawn and trimmed hedges is a must for attracting tenants. An unkempt, overgrown garden full of weeds will put off prospective tenants before they even walk in the door.

Clean your gutters

Summer is a good time to get the gutters properly cleared out, removing dead leaves and moss from the previous winter. Not only will it look smarter but will help prevent any potentially expensive repairs in the winter months.

Make your windows sparkle

Summer is the perfect time to show off the natural light in your property, so clean your windows inside and out and ensure they are cobweb and streak-free!

Add some colour

Especially in the garden. Some colourful bedding plants or pots will make the garden inviting and allow a tenant to envisage spending their evenings there. No garden no problem, have a vase of fresh flowers inside the property for viewings.


Boiler, heating systems, etc. A hugely important job that is much easier to carry out in the summer months. Landlords often think that because a boiler is not being used for heating, they don't need to do anything with it. Having a boiler and heating system serviced during the summer means you will be able easily able to book an engineer, and they can identify any potential problems before the winter months.

As soon as boilers are in full use again during the autumn then this is typically when problems arise, engineers are busier and it's more difficult to book appointments leading to very unhappy tenants if they are left without essential functions such as heating or hot water.

All of these are simple and inexpensive ways to attract quality tenants at a good rental level and to avoid potentially costly winter problems.

For the best advice on letting your property, please contact our team on 0333 920 2220. With over 60 years of industry experience in our team, we are well placed to offer honest, professional advice to ensure your property provides you with the best return on your investment with minimum hassle.



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